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Over the years Bettelheim, Brown, and March’s INTRODUCTION TO ORGANIC AND BIOCHEMISTRY has become the most respected and best-selling Organic and Biochemistry textbook on the market. Known for the successful way it meets the needs of students who take this course–from re-entry students to those heading directly into careers in the allied health fields–the book is acclaimed for the way it provides students a solid chemistry foundation that will serve them well long after they leave the course. In this edition, the authors continue the hallmarks that have made their book a classic in the field: a pedagogically rich learning framework; a wide variety of medical and biological applications; a visually dynamic art program, innovative “Chemical Connections” essays that focus on current issues in organic and biochemistry; and exceptionally strong and varied end-of-chapter problems.
Total: ₵12.00
Total: ₵56.00
Total: ₵18.00
Total: ₵7.00
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